YWCA St. Joseph is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. We have been serving women of the community and thier families since 1888. Through the years, our programs and services have adapted to meet the changing needs in our community. Our Survivor Support Services has emerged as the leading fixture of our organization. We provide comprehensive services to victims of domestic and sexual violence that enhance safety, increase knowledge of community resources and improve well-being. Learn more below.


Emergency shelter provides 24-hour protective shelter services for victims of domestic and sexual assault and their children.

Crisis Hotline provides a 24-hour phone support to those in crisis. Advocates are available to safety plan and provide crisis intervention.

Community Support provides supportive services are designed to help victims of abuse and sexual assault heal and move from victim to survivor including therapy, case management, hospital advocacy, and court advocacy. This program also provides rapid rehousing options with short- and medium-term rental assistance.

Bliss Manor offers transitional and permanent housing for survivors.

Discovery Childcare provides state licensed, full-time childcare for children six weeks to school age.

Healthy Teen Parents/Healthy Babies provides supportive services for pregnant and parenting teens, such as financial literacy classes, cooking classes, parent education, and essential supplies for the baby and the mother.

GRIT Center stands for Growing Resilient Independent Teens. This drop-in center is a safe place where teens ages 12-19 can come and be surrounded by their peers, mentors, and a positive support system.


Visit us at ywcasj.org


 If you are in immediate danger, please call 911.

If you or anyone is a victim of domestic or sexual violence, please call our 24-hour crisis hotline at 816-232-1225 or 800-653-1477. 

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